Results of the First Presentation

Okay, so I gave my presentation and I think it went pretty well.  I was suggested to go with the third pitch which originally was my least favored option.  The first two would have given my much more content to show in my portfolio, which I feel I lack,  while the third will only give me one model.  Yes, with the third idea, I’ll be able to demonstrate that I can import a playable character into UT3, but how much more important is that as a character artist than being able to show that I can create a variety of characters and creatures?

I feel like being able to navigate through a game engine will be much easier to learn than learning good design and anatomy.  I mean I’ve already shown that I can get familiar with a variety of programs already.  If I was to get into a company that uses some game engine that I haven’t seen before, I can either have somebody to go over or I can just play with it and get going within a couple of days.

Creating a playable character withing UT3 has its issues as well.  I don’t plan on creating any custom animations for a character so in order to use the game’s character animation sets, I’ll have to use their skeletons therefore limiting the proportions and design of the character.

It feels like being able to import into UT3 is just one of those “good to know” things like After Effects, Flash, C++, etc.

Regardless, I’m still considering pitch 3 but mainly for the purpose of being able to create only one, but awesome looking, character model.  However, I’m still thinking about creating diffuse only character models if I have time at the end.  Don’t worry, I won’t start them until I’m satisfied with the normal mapped model.

Concepts heading this way soon.

    • bensoderstrom
    • September 24th, 2009

    Hey man, honestly, since you mentioned to me that you didn’t actually make the models you showed in your pitches, you might want to consider going with the first pitch. Then again, that all depends on if you’re trying to get hired as a character artist or a texture artist.

    If you’re going for character artist, then I definitely think you need more models. If you’re going for texture artist, then I think you have enough of the hand-painted stuff and you should focus on some of the more modern techniques (normal maps, etc).


      • lenlor20
      • September 24th, 2009

      Lol, I think we had a little misunderstanding. I meant the concepts of the models aren’t mines. The concepts are from Blizzard and Games-Workshop. I modeled and textured the characters that I showed during the presentation.

      I really want to do one or two more diffuse only models because I feel the stuff I have right now isn’t diverse enough. I want to have a great looking fantasy model and creature model to show that I’m able to create them.

      I’m still plan on creating a normal mapped model regardless of what I go with though :). I’m thinking steam punk cop with a raygun to boot!

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